Precision matching from a deep talent pool

Finding exactly the right 1:1 support at this level is never easy, so we will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and draw on our exceptional talent pool to give you a selection of the best people to choose from.

Unparalleled knowledge of the elite coaching landscape

Deploying a depth of knowledge gathered over decades working 1:1 with CEOs and C-Suite executives, we identify where coaches’ and mentors’ strengths lie and those areas in which they will deliver the greatest value.

Pinacl coaches are divided into categories reflecting their experience, expertise and the development stage where they perform best. This enables us to pinpoint precisely which coach will dovetail with your needs.

Matching expertise
and personalities

We don’t just put ‘celebrity’ coaches together with people. We go to great lengths to understand your challenges and aspirations and get a true appreciation of your personality. Only then, will we start the matchmaking process.

Having established a clear picture of you and your business, we can select what style of coaching or mentoring will best meet your needs and identify the right person to deliver it. Someone whom you will respect and trust and whose insight and expertise will inspire and empower you.

Matching our support
to your challenges

We will also help you identify precisely what degree of support will best meet your requirements, whether that support is for a short time, over an extended period or open-ended. You may work with different people at different career stages or to address specific challenges.

Ultimately, our goal is to match your needs precisely throughout your career, providing you with exactly the support and guidance you need, just when you want it.